Historical replicas

Replica of Great Moravia Bow

Ash/elm bow made according to description in section Handcrafts - Making historical replicas. What make this bow different from other bows are nocks.

The combination of NTN length and draw-length is similar like by longbows. Draw-weight up to 70 lbs.

Price is listed without string. I recommend to use linen Flemish string (see part Catalogue – Archery supplements).

New from year 2016 - yew bow replica from sap+hardwood/hardwod only - please contact me in case of interest - price from 250€.


Draw weight Price - ash bow
children version<30 lbs 75,00 €
up to 30 lbs 105,00 €
30-40 lbs 115,00 €
40-50 lbs 130,00 €
50-60 lbs

145,00 €

60-70 lbs

165,00 €